FOR SALE ONE EMPTY CASE (BOX) ONLY!! WITHOUT (NOT INCLUDING) : PISTOL, MAGAZINE, AMMO!! NEW EMPTY CARDBOARD BOX (CASE). GLOCK model 19 gen. 9 x 19 mm Para. With bigger magazine (+2) for 17 ammo. NEW TOP quality French lodgment is NAVY BLUE colour. 298 x 205 x 65 mm approx. 11,8 x 8,1 x 2,6 inch. You can use the lodgement for. 9 x 19 Para. With bigger magazine for 17 ammo. It is really NICE item for Your collection for BOOKSHELF! You can’t use this case for custom made pistol, air & strikeball pistol. And any clones (not original) pistols. Also You can’t use this box with MAGPUL magazines because. They are a little different!