This is the last of our Porter cases that we have left as we have opened a gun range and the cases need to GO! THIS IS A PORTER CASE – ONE OF THE STRONGEST AND BEST CASES MADE! While thi s is a carry on size, it can be configured for tools, weapons, valuables, wine, and it does not look like it is carrying valuables! However, with the two key locks and one combination lock, this is a case that you can sh ip on the airline as additional luggage. THIS IS A BLACK HIGH DENSITY POLYETHYLENE (HDPE) ASE BY PORTER CASES FOR EASE OF TRAVELING AND TRANSPORTING EXPENSIVE ELECTRONICS, TOOLS, WINE OR GUNS. THE CASE IS WATER RESISTANT & SHOCK RESISTANT. THIS IS ONE OF THE MOST RUGGED CASES AVAIL A BLE, YET LOOKS LIKE A BUSINESS C ASE FOR TECHNICIAN TRAVEL. THIS CASE’S WALL IS THICK AND EXTREMELY DURABLE. IT IS PERFECT FOR MULTIPLE APPLICATIONS. IT HAS TWO SNAP CLAMP KEY LOCK CLOSURES AND 1 COMBINATION LOCK (by FRANZEN) AND A HEAVY DUTY HANDLE. CASE MEASURES 18.5” X 14.5” X 9” OUTSIDE AND 18 X14” X 8.5. ALSO THIS CASE DOES HAVE A TONGUE & GROVE CLOSURE TO MAKE TH E TOP AND BOTTOM OF THE CASE FIT R IGIDLY TOGETHE R AND HELP PREVENT WATER AND MOISTURE FROM ENTERING WHILE CLOSED. Possessions and foreign countries. Be sure to pack your item securely to prevent damage in transit. Damaged or used items will not be accepted for return.